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Press On

The One to Listen To

January 7, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 1:1-14 and Hebrews 2:1-4: If we are going to “Press On” through all the trials and circumstances in our life, we need to know who to listen to so we can finish the race successfully and without regret.

Aye Aye Captain!

January 14, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 1:1-14 and Hebrews 2:1-4: If we are going to ?Press On? through all the trials and circumstances in our life, we need to know who to listen to so we can finish the race successfully and without regret.

Don't Harden Your Heart!

January 21, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 3:1-19: A hard heart does not just happen. It happens when we are not carefully responding to Christ in all our circumstances. A hard heart will cause you to miss out on the blessings of your full inheritance in Christ and suffering discipline by God.

The Promise of Rest

January 28, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 4:1-16: God promises us REST. Yet, most of us do not experience rest. Our bodies, minds, and hearts are conflicted with all that life is throwing at us and trying to do right for God. There is a better way.

Why Are You Still Sitting Here?

February 4, 2024

Pastor Jonathan Bissig, Guest Speaker

Mark 6:7-13: Jesus has sent is disciples, instructed them, and they went on a mission to share the Gospel to a lost and dying world. So, why are we still sitting here?

Jesus, Our High Priest

February 11, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 5:1-14: The whole priestly and sacrificial system is evidence that we are estranged from God but God graciously wants us to be in relationship with Him. Jesus came to fulfill all of this and much, much more.

Is It Ever Too Late To Repent?

February 18, 2024

Associate Pastor Pat Graham

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Press On to Maturity

February 25, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 5:11-14; Hebrews 6:1-20: We must move beyond the ABCs of faith and grab ahold of the Ways of God through active faith and endurance so we can inherit all of God?s Promises. We must press on to maturity as a Believer!

In the Order of Melchizedek

March 3, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 7:1-28: Jesus is our High Priest forever in the Order of Melchizedek. Who is Melchizedek and what does that really matter? It matters a lot and changes our focus in life.

New Convenant

March 10, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 8:1-13: God makes a New Covenant with Christians that is based on grace through faith in Jesus that completely forgives all our sins and gives us a new heart and mind to truly know God and the power to live in a Right Relationship with Him.

Access Granted

March 17, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 9:1-28: For 4,000 years the path to God was not freely open to us. Christ removed that barrier and guides us into His presence and enables us to truly worship and fellowship with God.

Made Holy For a New Life

March 24, 2024

Pastor Charles Stoddard

Hebrews 10:1-39: God's will is to make us holy so we could always be with Him and enjoy the eternity He planned. God encourages us to not neglect several very important areas so we will receive all that He has promised. Christ is getting ready to come back and not delay. Be Ready!

Do You Believe?

March 31, 2024 (Easter Message)

Pastor Charles Stoddard

John 20:1-29: On the Sunday after Jesus was crucified, something happened that was prophesied but no one understood or saw coming. Your thoughts on this matter are most important and will affect everything for you to the good or to the bad.

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